Rehearsal: A Different Drummer
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Rehearsal: A Different Drummer
Musical Terms Used as Section Headings

1. Overture: an instrumental composition preceding and opera, oratorio, or play

7. Fugue: a polyphonic composition sung sequentially by two or more vocalists

171. Fanfare: trumpeting intro

247. Andante: a moderate tempo

307. Transposition: changing the key of a composition

341. Arpeggio: a chord where the notes are played individually in quick succession (broken chord)

385. Crescendo: an increase in volume

433. Dissonance: out of tune, harsh-sounding

533. Counterpoint: a dual melody

585. Serenade: a complimentary performance of vocal or instrumental music in the open air at night, as by a lover under the window of his lady

Definitions taken from or paraphrased from:
Roget's Super Thesaurus, 2nd ed., 1998 Marc McCutcheon
except "serenade" from

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